Every Tokpie user can borrow cryptocurrencies on Tokpie exchange by issuing and selling Promissory notes. To issue a Promissory note a user must have a required amount of collateral cryptocurrency. The required amount of collateral cryptocurrency depends on LTV (loan-to-value) ratio that is defined by a user's subscription plan.
Subscription plan | LTV ratio |
TRIAL | 70% |
LIGHT | 75% |
STANDARD | 80% |
PREMIUM | 85% |
For example, if a Trial-plan user wants to issue 25 TKP promissory notes whose current price is 0.97 TKP per one note then he must provide collateral in the amount of 34.64 TKP ((25 x 0.97/70) x 100). An Enterprise-plan user in that example would need just 26.94 TKP ((25 x 0.97/90) x 100).
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