Market pair to trade NEURALINK tokens
How to buy with Bank Card
Use your bank card or Apple Pay to obtain $NEURALINK altcoins for your local fiat currency.
- Log in and generate the USDT (ERC20) address by clicking the [+ Deposit] button here.
- Enter the generated ERC20 address on the bank card processing page. Also, enter the amount of USDT and press the "Continue" button.
- After you get a confirmation email, you can obtain the NEURALINK's tokens here.
Token Info
- Token: Neuralink
- Website:
- Token total supply: 1,000,000.
- Smart contract address: 0x65Ee1361596439664059D1a5EF44014D08c95693.
Risk Warning
Kindly note that trading cryptocurrencies involves considerable risks and may lead to a loss of invested capital. So, please ensure that you understand all risks involved. Also, consider your experience level and follow independent financial advice if needed.
Useful links
- Learn how to trade.
- Also, check trade statistics on Tokpie.
- Moreover, find Tokpie’s trade fees and withdrawal commissions.
- Find many other best altcoins on the DAPP.
For questions, contact Tokpie at
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