Update: unavailable for trading: https://twitter.com/BazaarsBzr/status/1678816539162603534.
Market pair to trade BZR tokens
How to buy with Bank Card
Use your bank card or Apple Pay to obtain $BZR altcoins for your local fiat currency.
- Log in and generate the USDT (ERC20) address by clicking the [+ Deposit] button here.
- Enter the generated ERC20 address on the bank card processing page. Also, enter the amount of USDT and click on the "Continue" button.
- After getting a confirmation email, obtain BZR tokens here.
Token Info
- Token: BAZAARS
- Symbol: BZR
- Website: https://bazaars.io/.
- Token total supply: 555,555,555.
- Smart contract address: 0x8d96b4ab6c741a4c8679ae323a100d74f085ba8f.
BAZAARS (BZR) is an ERC20 token that users can apply inside the Bazaars's marketplace. Bazaars, in tuen, is a P2P marketplace that enables users to buy and sell physical and digital assets. Moreover, the platform facilitates the exchange of items, vehicles, and properties for various cryptocurrencies. Also, it provides a decentralized alternative to traditional marketplaces, putting control back in the hands of the users. Besides, it allows for direct, trustless transactions between buyers and sellers, eliminating the need for intermediaries. This creates a more efficient and cost-effective way to conduct business. Furthermore, transactions on Bazaars are secured by blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and immutability.
Risk Warning
Kindly note that trading cryptocurrencies involves considerable risks and may lead to a loss of invested capital. So, please ensure that you understand all risks involved. Also, consider your experience level and follow independent financial advice if needed.
Useful links
- Learn how to trade.
- Also, check trade statistics on Tokpie.
- Moreover, find Tokpie’s trade fees and withdrawal commissions.
- Find many other best altcoins on the DAPP.
For questions, contact Tokpie at https://t.me/tokpie.
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